Esignature Services are Smart Technology Saving Time and Money

Esignature Service Smart Technology
Save time and money with an esignature service like eSignToday!

Smart technology is a term that describes devices or applications that automate or communicate information to make life easier. It’s been around longer than we probably realize in items such as programmable coffee pots or thermostats. Most of today’s smart technology rely on the internet and smartphones (and even some voice commands!). Esignature services are smart technology that enable us to get things done while saving time and money.

Savings with Smart Technology

Esignature services enable you to make or receive a virtual signature on an electronic document. To this end, they eliminate the need for printers or paper. Esignature services are smart technology that allow you to conduct business and get the signatures you need wherever you are. They eliminate the hassles of meetings and paper. And when you need multiple people to sign, these services make it easy for each person to sign on their own device at any time.

Start saving time and money today by using an esignature service for your signing needs. You have a lot of choice when it comes to finding the right esignature service for you. They vary based on price and ease of use. eSignToday is one of the easiest and cheapest esignature services at just $0.50 per esignature.

eSignToday is the Best Electronic Signature Service

Best Electronic Signature
eSignToday is affordable and easy to use for electronic signatures.

As we’ve read our blog, there is a lot of choice among electronic signature software. Finding the right solution for you can take time as each one is unique. We want to save you some time, so we will tell you how eSignToday is the best electronic signature service because it is affordable and easy to use.

eSignToday is Affordable (aka Cheap)

As you research electronic signature software, you will quickly realize how eSignToday’s pricing is unique. You pay a flat fee for each signature you need. Other electronic signature software like DocuSign or PandaDoc charge you based on a monthly subscription. Many times, you end up paying much more than your esigning needs require because of the monthly subscription obligation. DocuSign’s pricing for real estate starts at $10 per month for a single user, so you’re already having to pay at least $120 a year. With eSignToday, you only pay $0.50 for each electronic signature. Yes, it really is that cheap.

eSignToday is Easy to Use

eSignToday is not laced with bells and whistles, which can be confusing, overkill, and complicated. Instead, eSignToday’s focus is strictly on getting esignatures on your document. Most other electronic signature software, like RightSignature, requires you to “drag and drop” fields throughout your document where the signer needs to complete, like date and name. With eSignToday, you simply upload your own document, which can be a PDF, Google Docs, or a Microsoft Word file. Then, you list the email addresses of those who need to sign the document, and then you send it off. In turn, eSignToday will put all of the signatures you need on the last page of your document. That’s it.

In sharing how eSignToday is affordable and easy to use, we hope we have saved you some time when considering which electronic signature service to use. Setting up an account with eSignToday is easy and free, try it today!

Use an Esignature Service for the New Year!

esignature service for the new year
Start the New Year right by using an esignature service!

As the calendar turns, traditionally people strive to do better. In that vein, the new year is a great time to move from outdated paper signatures to an esignature service! You will save time and handle the ‘multiple signatures’ issue much easier.

Save Time and Handle Multiple Signatures Better with an Esignature Service

You know the signature drill of 2022! Print out a PDF, sign your signature, scan and email the PDF file back to a sender. Yuck!

  • Many recipients may not have printers.
  • Other recipients do not have scanners,
  • Print and scanning both take time.
  • If there are multiple recipients (e.g. 3 to 5) who signs first? The “printing and scanning” has to be done in order with scanned PDFs.

An esignature service resolves all the above. It can be done on a phone or computer without printing or scanning. And, anyone can esign at any time and in any order.

It’s More Affordable than You Think

But wait, an esignature service is expensive, isn’t it? Yes, Docusign and Hellosign tend to cost a lot for a light user, charging you $15 monthly whether you use them or not! But never fear, there are inexpensive services like eSignToday that charge you just a flat rate of $0.50 an esignature – just pay for what you use! Get started today at

DocuSign Not Ideal Fit to Esign Leases for Small Landlords

DocuSign Not Ideal Fit
eSignToday is the solution to esign leases for small landlords.

DocuSign is one of the most popular services for electronic signatures. Fortunately, there are a lot of electronic signature services with varying strengths and weaknesses to suit different needs. When it comes to rental property leases, esignatures make a lot of sense. They are safe and convenient. Electronic signatures save time and eliminate paper, printers, and in some cases, postage. When you compare DocuSign to other esignature services, their high monthly fees make DocuSign unattractive to esign leases for small landlords.

DocuSign is Expensive

Most landlords tend to create new leases or renew existing leases on an annual basis. For a small landlord with five properties, this means five leases or extensions per year.

Docusign’s pricing for real estate starts at $10 per month for a single user and is limited to five documents per month. If you have more than five documents per month, the price doubles to $20 per month. So, a small landlord will pay DocuSign at least $120 per year. For a small landlord who has five leases or renewals to esign per year, the cost per esigned document would be $24 per document on DocuSign’s least expensive plan ($120/5). That is incredibly expensive!

eSignToday is the Affordable eSignature Solution

Paying just $10 a month doesn’t seem like a lot. But when you put that cost in the context of five esignatures a year, paying $24 for a signature seems unreasonable. eSignToday is designed for small landlords and brings the advantages of esigning leases and lease extensions to them at a reasonable flat rate price. There are no monthly fees with eSignToday. Landlords – large and small – pay just $0.50 for an esignature. If landlords and their tenants esign five leases or renewals each per year (two signatures per document), landlords will pay $5 per year with eSignToday (= 2 esignatures x 5 leases x $0.50). Compared to DocuSign’s $120 per year, landlords will save $115 per year!

Set up up a free account at and esign leases for small landlords and landlords of any size at just $0.50 per esignature. With eSignToday, landlords will save year in and year out over DocuSign.

Seriously Cheap Esignature Software

Seriously Cheap Esignature
Pay only $0.50 for an esignature with eSignToday!

If you have documents that need signatures, then esignature software makes the most sense. Anyone can sign at any time and any where . . . on a phone, tablet, or laptop. Plus, esignatures eliminate printers, paper, and delays.

There is a lot of different esignature software to choose from. Unfortunately, many can be quite expensive, especially those that require a monthly subscription such as DocuSign or Adobe. If you only need one or two signatures a month, paying $10/month or more becomes expensive. Or, if one month you need a lot of signatures and the next month you don’t need any or just a few, why keep paying a monthly fee? Cheap (aka flat fee) is a better solution, and eSignToday is the seriously cheap esignature software.

There is no monthly subscription with eSignToday. Instead, you pay $0.50 for each signature you need. That’s it. eSignToday is available to anyone who needs a document signed. It is easy to use and cheap esignature software:

  1. Set up a free account at
  2. Upload your document
  3. Email the document to each person who needs to sign it
  4. View a fully signed document where all signatures appear on the last page.

Signing with an Esignature Service

Signing with an esignature service
Esignatures are easy to create with your finger, mouse, or keyboard.

Years ago, if you were asked for your signature, you probably grabbed a pen and scribbled your signature on a piece of paper. Fast forward to today and with advancements in technology and movement away from paper, signatures have become electronic. If you’re used to using paper and pen, then how does signing with an esignature service work?

Esign with Mouse or Keyboard

Signing with an esignature service is fairly straightforward. If you open the document on a laptop or desktop, then you have a few choices for a signature. Depending on the esignature service you are using, you can scribble a signature using your mouse or finger if you have a touchscreen. Some esignature services also permit you to type your name using the keyboard as your signature. For example, you can type your signature with DocuSign or use your mouse or finger with eSignToday.

Esign with Finger

Since much of the world is now “on the move”, the smartphone has become the predominant device that is always with us. That said, signing with an esignature service on a smartphone is all done by a scribble with your finger. Esignatures are fast making the process of signing and submitting documents really easy.

Are Esign Subscription Services Overpriced?

esign subscription services overpriced
Underused esign subscription services are overpriced. Use a flat rate service instead!

Today, more than ever before, we sign up for a lot of subscriptions. Look not further than what we watch. Between Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, HBO Max, Amazon Prime Video, and countless other streaming services, we are encountering subscription overload. Stop the insanity! Worse, if you end up not watching a service for a month, you have actually paid despite not using the service at all. With esign subscription services, the same thing can happen. It is often all too easy to have an unused esign subscription service, making the service overpriced for you.

The Used Then Forgotten Esign Subscription

‘Use it or Lose It’ goes the old adage. When you first sign up for an esign subscription service like Docusign, you may use it quite a bit. However, your business needs may be seasonal. Soon, you are paying for an overpriced service that you rarely use for parts of the year.

Use a Flat Rate Esign Service Instead of a Subscription

Did you know that there are flat rate esign services instead? These services charge per esignature. If there are months during the year when you do not use this service, you are not charged anything. eSignToday (sign up at is one such service. It charges $0.50/esignature. You pay for just what you use. Pricing is simple, flat rate, and fair.

Low Cost Esignature Tool for Landlords to Sign Leases

Low cost esignature tool
The low cost esignature tool at $0.50/esignature is eSignToday.

The advancement of the smartphone has made lease signing fast and convenient for landlords and tenants. Back in the day, landlords and tenants had to meet to review and sign the lease. That process took time and effort. Today, online lease signing has saved landlords and tenants time because it has become as simple as signing on your phone while on the go. The need to have a meeting disappears with electronic signatures. Once the lease is esigned, landlords and tenants have an electronic copy of the lease for their records. A low cost esignature tool makes online lease signing all the more attractive.

Save Money, too

Electronic signatures do not have to be expensive. This is proven by eSignToday, a low cost esignature tool. When landlords use eSignToday for rental leases, landlords only pay $0.50 for each signature. There is no monthly subscription with eSignToday. This means landlords only pay for what they need. They don’t have to worry about paying a recurring bill for a service they may only use a few times in a year. eSignToday, the low cost esignature tool, is available to anyone who needs a document signed.

  1. Set up a free account at
  2. Upload your document
  3. Email the document to each person who needs to sign it
  4. View a fully signed document where all signatures appear on the last page.

Security Deposit as the Last Month of Rent

Security Deposit
Tenants should not pay the last month of rent with the security deposit.

At the beginning of every new tenancy, landlords and tenants are busy completing common steps. At a minimum, landlords and tenants have to sign leases, and tenants have to pay a security deposit and first month’s rent . Some landlords require the first and last month of rent which should not be confused with the security deposit. Each state has its own rental housing laws covering everything from tenants’ rights to handling security deposits. It is generally not advisable to have tenants use the deposit as the last month of rent.

Tenants pay the security deposit to the landlord at the beginning of tenancy. Generally it amounts to one to one and a half months of rent. After the tenant vacates the rental property, landlords will do a walk through to identify any damage beyond normal wear and tear. Landlords use the security deposit to cover the repairs of such damage. If there is no damage, then landlords return the security deposit to the tenant.

Landlords should clearly address the security deposit separate from rent payment in the rental property lease. Together, landlords and tenants should review the lease to eliminate any misunderstandings. If the landlord is using electronic signature software, like eSignToday, to sign the lease, then once signed, both parties will receive a signed copy for their records.

Electronic Signature for $0.50

Electronic Signature 50 Cents
Pay only $0.50 for an electronic signature with eSignToday!

Many online services follow a subscription based pricing model. This means that you pay a monthly fee to access services whether you use the services or not. In ideal cases, you would frequently use the services, because why would you pay for something that you don’t use? For example, if you have a smartphone, you are most likely paying a monthly fee to your cell phone carrier so you can use your smartphone – call, text, or use the internet. In the world of electronic signatures, most electronic signature software follows the monthly subscription pricing as well. DocuSign, for example, offers various pricing based on a monthly subscription. eSignToday, however, offers electronic signature for $0.50 per signature.

Pay for What You Need

Use eSignToday if you need electronic signatures for your document. It is easy to use. After you set up your free account at, you simply complete a few steps:

  1. Upload your document
  2. Email the document to each person who needs to sign it
  3. View a fully signed document where all signatures appear on the last page.

With eSignToday, you only pay for what you need – each electronic signature for $0.50. There is no monthly subscription with eSignToday, so you don’t have to worry about paying to use the service when you don’t need signatures.