The Best ESignature Software

Best esignature software
Esignature software is available for individual and enterprise-level users.

The ability to review and sign documents electronically is a huge benefit for all parties involved. Electronic signatures eliminate paper and printers, and they save time. You no longer need to meet in person for signatures. Additionally, you can deliver signed documents immediately by email. Federally compliant esignatures are valid and legally binding, so they are treated similarly to how a paper-based handwritten signature would be treated. When you search the Web for “esignature”, “electronic signature”, or “digital signature”, there are a lot of different providers. Each provider has its own pros and cons, so factors like cost, ease of use, and notifications will drive decisions. Here is a snapshot of the best esignature software today:

Best Esignature Software Highlights

eSignTodayInexpensive esignature @ $0.50 each
– Upload own document
– Signatures and dates on last page
– No complex drag and drop or field completion required
HelloSign– A DropBox company
– Paid plans start at $20/month
SignNow– Plans range from $20/month to $50/month
– Features, like custom branding, vary by plan
DocuSign– Early entrant in esignature industry – since 2003
– Vast feature set and good for complex esigning needs
– Plans start at $15/month
RightSignature– Early entrant like DocuSign
– Plans start at $15/month but need to call to get started

Esignature Software Details


eSignToday sets itself apart from other esignature software because of its low cost and simplicity. At just $0.50/esignature, there are no monthly fees with eSignToday. You pay for each signature that you need. eSignToday walks you through four steps. You upload your own document and then add the email address for each person who needs to esign. Afterwards, esignatures appear on the last page with each signer’s printed name date. With eSignToday, you eliminate the complexity of adding fields and expecting signers to complete those fields.


Now part of DropBox, HelloSign has you first upload your document. Thereafter, you have to drag and insert fields like names and dates into the areas of your document you want signed. HelloSign has different pricing plans including a free version with a maximum of three signatures per month. After their free version, plans start at $20/month (or $15/month if you pay the annual amount up front).


Similar to HelloSign, you drag and drop fields throughout your documents. SignNow focuses its products on the business/enterprise user, and their pricing plans reflect such. Starting at $20/month and going up to $50/month (billed monthly), each plan varies in the features available to the user such as custom branding and bulk sending. If you need a lot of signatures, SignNow’s plans are a consideration.


The granddaddy of esignature software is DocuSign. DocuSign has evolved beyond simple esigning into document automation and contract analytics. Its feature set is vast and geared for complex esigning needs. DocuSign has a number of plans. Each plan is priced differently and ranges from esignature plans to API plans. DocuSign’s least expensive plan starts at $15/month (or $10/month if you pay annually).


RightSignature offers a variety of options for companies to upload documents and drag and drop fields within the document. Though RightSignature has plans starting at $15/month ($10/month if you pay annually), you have to call them to get started.


We have highlighted the best electronic signature software, however, there is a lot of choice when it comes to selecting the best tool for you. Cost and ease-of-use, for instance, will play a role in your decision to select one over the other. Free trials or cheap esign services, like eSignToday, allow you to try out different esignature services without breaking the bank. More complex and feature-rich software like DocuSign and RightSignature may satisfy your needs, however, these providers charge a higher price. Nevertheless, the list of electronic signature software grows. Esignature tools are available for the individual user all the way up to the enterprise-level user.

Electronic Signatures and Other Services for Individuals

Electronic Signatures and Other Services
Electronic signatures and other services can benefit individuals.

With new ideas and advancements in technology, there are more services available today to individuals. In other words, you do not need to form or be a business to benefit from things like electronic signatures and other services. We’ll take a look at a few services that can meet individual needs.

Esignature Services

In the beginning, most electronic signature software was geared towards businesses. The real estate industry was one of the first adopters of esignatures due to the number of documents that needed to be signed. Today, there is a lot of choice and variety of esignature services. Businesses tend to be the primary customer for these services. There are some, fortunately, that are good fits for individuals. Frequency and complexity come into play when addressing the needs of individuals versus those of a business. Compared to businesses, most individuals tend to need just a few signatures a year. For example, if you want to sell your car, you may want to draw up a bill of sale where the buyer and you sign it to confirm the transaction. Most electronic signature software charges users on a monthly basis whether you use the esignature service or not. For example, DocuSign‘s least expensive paid plan is $10/month, which is overkill for an individual who only needs one or two signatures a year. On the other hand, eSignToday charges a flat rate of $0.50/esignature. So there is an inexpensive affordable electronic signature service available for individuals.

Money Transfers

If you owe a friend money, most would pay the friend back in cash later on. If the amount owed is large, you might give your friend a check. Well, that was then. Money transfer apps are now. Money transfer apps enable individuals to transfer money directly between bank accounts. They make the owing of money to friends cashless, easy . . . and fast. Two popular money transfer apps are Zelle and Venmo. Zelle requires both parties to have a bank account that is part of the Zelle network. Generally speaking, money transfers occur within minutes, and Zelle and Venmo generally do not charge the sender or receiver.

Electronic signatures and other services, like money transfer apps, are beneficial for individuals.

Esignatures for Small and Large Businesses

Esignature Small and Large Business
Esignatures can cater to the specific needs of small and large businesses.

Great technology can be enjoyed by all. While esignatures are heavily used among some of the larger markets, like real estate, they are also growing in popularity and usage among small businesses and individuals. Electronic signatures help automate processes saving everyone involved time and money. In recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some businesses viewed esignatures as a lifeline to maintain operations. They could still receive necessary signatures on documents while keeping people safe to sign at home. Esignatures for small and large businesses can fit any size business. Each business just needs to find the best esignature service for their needs.


There are many electronic signature services available. One way in which some of them differ is on price. Most of the esignature software requires a monthly subscription. For example, DocuSign starts at $10 per month for a single user and limits the number of documents for signage to five per month. Another popular service is Adobe. It’s electronic signature pricing is also based on a monthly subscription. If you need a lot of esignatures on a regular basis, then a monthly subscription makes sense.

For smaller businesses, the need for an electronic signature may not be as frequent. This is where flat rate pricing would be important. With a flat rate, you only pay for each esignature you need. If there are months during the year when you do not use this service, you are not charged anything. eSignToday is a flat rate electronic signature service. It charges $0.50/esignature. Pricing is one simple flat rate. So when it comes to pricing, services for esignatures for small and large businesses can vary based on price.

Ease of Use

Similar to pricing, ease of use can vary widely among the available esignature software. Some of the more complicated software tend to cater to the needs of large businesses. With most esignature software, you have to either upload your document or create a new one (some offer templates to get you started). Some require customization of the document where you have to drag and insert fields such as names and dates into the areas of your document. This type of customization is a feature desired by some, but it adds a level of complexity. Others offer no customization. For example, eSignToday offers one functionality – the ability to get electronic signatures on documents. With eSignToday, you complete a few easy steps:

  1. Upload your document
  2. Email the document to each person who needs to sign it
  3. View a fully signed document where all signatures appear on the last page.

So when it comes to ease of use, services for esignatures for small and large businesses can vary based on the level of customization you need.

Electronic Signature Pricing

Electronic Signature Pricing
Electronic signature pricing can be based on a monthly subscription or flat rate.

Electronic signatures are also know as esignatures. They are the solution for fast and easy signing because they eliminate delays and enable anyone to sign while on the move. People can sign on a phone, tablet, or laptop.  Esignatures are also environmentally friendly as they eliminate printers and paper. There is a lot of different esignature software to choose from, and they can vary based on things like ease of use and electronic signature pricing.

Monthly Subscription

Most of the esignature software requires a monthly subscription. For example, DocuSign starts at $10 per month for a single user and limits the number of documents for signage to five per month. Another popular service is Adobe. It’s electronic signature pricing is also based on a monthly subscription. If you need a lot of esignatures on a regular basis, then a monthly subscription may work for you.

Flat Rate

In addition to a monthly subscription, electronic signature pricing can also be found as a flat rate. With a flat rate, you only pay for each esignature you need. If there are months during the year when you do not use this service, you are not charged anything. eSignToday is a flat rate electronic signature service. It charges $0.50/esignature. Pricing is one simple flat rate. eSignToday is available to anyone who needs a document signed.

Time Management with Electronic Signatures

Time management electronic signatures
Electronic signatures automate a manual process and save you time.

One of the common requests we voice as we get older is “I would like more time”. As we all know, time does not stop. We also know there are 24 hours in a day – no fewer and certainly no more. So how can we gain more time? There are a lot of articles written on time management tips. Tips can range from prioritizing tasks to grouping similar tasks together to avoiding multitasking. One tip that does not get a lot of attention is automation. Time management with electronic signatures means you will actually gain time because you eliminate your time elsewhere.

Electronic Signatures Save Time

Electronic signatures automate a traditionally manual process. They eliminate the need to meet in person to sign paper. In person meetings consume a lot of time. First, you have to take time to schedule the meeting. Second, you have to travel to and from the meeting. Third, you have to actually meet in person to sign documents.

If you don’t have an in person meeting, then you have to deliver papers for signature. Similar to in person meetings, there is also a lot of time wasted with the manual process of mailing documents. First, you have to prepare the documents for mailing. Second, you have to travel to the post office to mail them. Third, you have to wait to receive the mail. And then of course, you have to figure out how to mail documents back. Each step takes time.

Electronic signature software automates the signing process. It saves you time. For example, with eSignToday, you simply upload your document and then email the document to each person who needs to sign it. Each person can sign your document on their phone wherever they are. A fully signed document where all signatures appear on the last page will be returned to you. You achieve time management with electronic signatures as you will save time every

The Great Invention of Electronic Signatures

Great Invention Electronic Signatures
Electronic signatures are a great invention saving you time and money.

Believe it or not, electronic signatures have been the legal equivalent of pen and paper for quite some time. The surge in capabilities of the smartphone have made esignatures seem recent and novel. But in fact, the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (the “E-Sign Act”) became law in 2000 in the United States. This law made esignatures just as good as their paper equivalents. Internationally, countries have passed their own laws on the legality of esignatures. Check with your own country’s laws on the specifics involving esignatures.

Electronic Signatures = Freedom

Without a doubt, you save time and money with esignatures. They eliminate paper, printers, and meetings. You can sign documents while on the go with your smartphone. There is a lot of choice when it comes to finding the best electronic signature service that meets your needs. For example, with eSignToday, you can receive a document to sign by email, sign the document with your finger on your phone screen, and submit it online all within seconds. This way, you can get things done wherever you are! eSignToday is one of the easiest and cheapest esignature services at just $0.50 per esignature.

Ways to Maximize Tenant Occupancy

Max Tenant Occupancy
Landlords can maximize tenant occupancy by making life easy like esigning leases.

A landlord’s ideal tenant is one that pays rent on time and takes care of the rental property. When a landlord has such a tenant, then their goal should be to reduce the chance of tenant turnover. Finding a new tenant is a time consuming task. Time is money. Making the tenant experience friendly can lead to a positive and long lasting landlord tenant relationship. There are simple things landlords can do to attract and maximize tenant occupancy that benefit both parties.

Make Life Easy

Landlords who utilize technology can attract and retain good tenants. Most tenants appreciate when landlords make an effort to make life easy. Online lease signing saves tenants time as it eliminates the need to meet in person. Tenants can sign on their phones while on the go. With an electronic signature service like eSignToday, landlords only pay $0.50 for an esignature. These low cost esignatures drive the immediate benefit of tenant satisfaction in making the rental onboarding process fast and easy. Online rent payment is another way landlords can maximize tenant occupancy and satisfaction as it also saves time and makes life easy. Tenants do not have to write or mail checks. Making the rent payment process easy improves the chances landlords will be paid on time – a win win for both!

Communicate to Maximize Tenant Occupancy

Something as simple as calling or emailing the tenant to see how they are doing can have a meaningful impact on the tenant. It can show the landlord cares. At the same time, landlords who respond promptly to tenant issues or concerns convey the importance of the landlord tenant relationship. No one likes to be ignored. As in most relationships, helping each other out and feeling heard are important qualities. The landlord tenant relationship is no exception as such actions can maximize tenant occupancy.

$0.50 for an Electronic Signature. Really?

Really 50 Cents
Electronic Signatures are only $0.50 each with eSignToday.

Electronic signatures, also know as esignatures, are the solution for fast and easy signing as anyone can sign while on the move . . . on a phone, tablet, or laptop.  Esignatures eliminate printers, paper, and delays.  The problem with most esignature tools is that they are not affordable as many of them require a monthly subscription. For example, DocuSign’s pricing for real estate starts at $10 per month for a single user and is limited to five documents per month. If you only have a few documents that need a signature in a year, the cost per document would be $24 on DocuSign’s least expensive plan ($120/5). DocuSign is NOT a cheap electronic signature service!

eSignToday = Cheap Electronic Signature

eSignToday is more than a cheap electronic signature service. First, there is no monthly subscription with eSignToday. Instead, you pay $0.50 for each signature you need. That’s it. Second, eSignToday is simple to use. Just upload your document, email the document, and wait to receive a fully signed document. Third, eSignToday is available to anyone who needs a document signed. You do not have to be a large business or need a lot of signatures to benefit from eSignToday’s flat fee of $0.50 per esignature. Set up a free account at today!

Esignature Services are Smart Technology Saving Time and Money

Esignature Service Smart Technology
Save time and money with an esignature service like eSignToday!

Smart technology is a term that describes devices or applications that automate or communicate information to make life easier. It’s been around longer than we probably realize in items such as programmable coffee pots or thermostats. Most of today’s smart technology rely on the internet and smartphones (and even some voice commands!). Esignature services are smart technology that enable us to get things done while saving time and money.

Savings with Smart Technology

Esignature services enable you to make or receive a virtual signature on an electronic document. To this end, they eliminate the need for printers or paper. Esignature services are smart technology that allow you to conduct business and get the signatures you need wherever you are. They eliminate the hassles of meetings and paper. And when you need multiple people to sign, these services make it easy for each person to sign on their own device at any time.

Start saving time and money today by using an esignature service for your signing needs. You have a lot of choice when it comes to finding the right esignature service for you. They vary based on price and ease of use. eSignToday is one of the easiest and cheapest esignature services at just $0.50 per esignature.

eSignToday is the Best Electronic Signature Service

Best Electronic Signature
eSignToday is affordable and easy to use for electronic signatures.

As we’ve read our blog, there is a lot of choice among electronic signature software. Finding the right solution for you can take time as each one is unique. We want to save you some time, so we will tell you how eSignToday is the best electronic signature service because it is affordable and easy to use.

eSignToday is Affordable (aka Cheap)

As you research electronic signature software, you will quickly realize how eSignToday’s pricing is unique. You pay a flat fee for each signature you need. Other electronic signature software like DocuSign or PandaDoc charge you based on a monthly subscription. Many times, you end up paying much more than your esigning needs require because of the monthly subscription obligation. DocuSign’s pricing for real estate starts at $10 per month for a single user, so you’re already having to pay at least $120 a year. With eSignToday, you only pay $0.50 for each electronic signature. Yes, it really is that cheap.

eSignToday is Easy to Use

eSignToday is not laced with bells and whistles, which can be confusing, overkill, and complicated. Instead, eSignToday’s focus is strictly on getting esignatures on your document. Most other electronic signature software, like RightSignature, requires you to “drag and drop” fields throughout your document where the signer needs to complete, like date and name. With eSignToday, you simply upload your own document, which can be a PDF, Google Docs, or a Microsoft Word file. Then, you list the email addresses of those who need to sign the document, and then you send it off. In turn, eSignToday will put all of the signatures you need on the last page of your document. That’s it.

In sharing how eSignToday is affordable and easy to use, we hope we have saved you some time when considering which electronic signature service to use. Setting up an account with eSignToday is easy and free, try it today!