Category: Esign Document Types

Sign a PDF with an Electronic Signature

In our increasingly digital world, signing documents no longer requires printing, scanning, or physically mailing them. Electronic signatures have become a game-changer. They simplify the process of signing documents, like PDFs. We’ll walk you through the steps to sign a PDF with an electronic signature using the cheap service, eSignToday, at just $0.50 a signature. […]

Tips on Writing a Rental Lease Agreement

The lease plays an important role between landlord and tenant. It communicates expectations of both parties and specifies important rules and requirements. The lease addresses basic components such as names of landlord and tenant, rent amount, and lease term. We will cover a few tips on writing a rental lease agreement that will help landlords […]

How to Esign a Word Document

Microsoft Word has long been the world’s most popular word processor. Businesses and individuals have drawn up countless contracts with Word. But, how do you esign a Word document? Word Does Not Have Built In Esignatures Microsoft Word does not have built-in esignatures. Microsoft released Word released in 1983. While refined vastly over the decades, […]