About Esignatures
Legal. Sensible. Inexpensive.
Legislation passed in the U.S., Canada, U.K., E.U., Australia, New Zealand, and most nations around the world establishes the legality of esignatures. Documents signed online with legally compliant esign software are as valid and binding as traditional pen-and-paper documents.
In the United States, the ESIGN Act of 2000 gave electronic signatures the same legal weight as handwritten ones.
eSignToday meets the two general requirements for esignatures:
- The esignature must be attributable to the person signing.
eSignToday captures an electronic signature image entered by the user.
All eSignToday user accounts are linked to a verified email account. - The esignature cannot be edited or changed once signed.
eSignToday does not allow signed documents to be edited.
eSignToday esignatures are only $0.50 each. There is no monthly subscription. Only pay for the signatures needed.