Technology can be awesome and intimidating all at the same time. A high tech landlord is one who uses technology to make their lives and tenant lives easier. With smartphones, many tasks are made faster and easier because they can be completed while “on the go”. Tech tools can benefit both landlords and tenants, and here are a few to mention.
High Tech Landlord Advertises Online
Time savings is probably the biggest benefit tenants receive from technology. Starting with a virtual tour of the rental property, tenants (and landlords) save time by eliminating the need to meet in person. Landlords can create a simple video and upload it among other pictures of the rental property on online listing sites like Zillow.
High Tech Landlord Esigns Leases
Moving on to the lease, electronic signatures are another way landlords and tenants benefit from technology. Also known as esignatures, electronic signatures automate a traditionally manual process. They eliminate the need to meet in person to sign paper. In person meetings consume a lot of time. Electronic signature software automates the signing process and saves everyone time. For example, with eSignToday, you simply upload your document (the lease) and then email it to each person who needs to sign it. Each person can sign the lease on their phone wherever they are. A fully signed document where all signatures appear on the last page is available to everyone who has signed it.