In the beginning, smartphones were the cordless devices that allowed us to talk with one another and text (if we didn’t feel like talking). Today, smartphones have become technological marvels. For many, they have become a vital necessity. In this post, we will identify just a few of the many amazing things smartphones can do.
Smartphones can be a Lifeline
You can use your smartphone to call for help. In the rare instance you cannot dial a number, you can use your voice. Depending on the type of smartphone, you can shout out to your phone to call for help. For example, with an Apple iPhone, if you say “Hey Siri, call 911” then your smartphone will dial the call for you.
Smartphones can be an Office
Smartphones have become so advanced that for some, it is the only computer they own. Depending on your computing needs, some can do all of their work on a smartphone and leave a laptop or desktop behind. You can set up email on your smartphone so you can communicate beyond voice and texting. You can even sign documents while on the go with your smartphone. With electronic signature software like eSignToday, you can receive a document to sign by email, sign the document with your finger on your phone screen, and submit it online all within seconds.
Smartphones can Simplify
The amazing things smartphones can do extend to simplifying your life – a good thing! Smartphones help us get rid of stuff. You don’t have to own or wear a watch if you have a smartphone. You don’t have to carry a separate camera as most smartphone cameras are high quality these days. And you don’t even need a flashlight because your smartphone has one. Smartphones are pretty smart!! Invest in one today!!