As the calendar turns, traditionally people strive to do better. In that vein, the new year is a great time to move from outdated paper signatures to an esignature service! You will save time and handle the ‘multiple signatures’ issue much easier.
Save Time and Handle Multiple Signatures Better with an Esignature Service
You know the signature drill of 2022! Print out a PDF, sign your signature, scan and email the PDF file back to a sender. Yuck!
- Many recipients may not have printers.
- Other recipients do not have scanners,
- Print and scanning both take time.
- If there are multiple recipients (e.g. 3 to 5) who signs first? The “printing and scanning” has to be done in order with scanned PDFs.
An esignature service resolves all the above. It can be done on a phone or computer without printing or scanning. And, anyone can esign at any time and in any order.
It’s More Affordable than You Think
But wait, an esignature service is expensive, isn’t it? Yes, Docusign and Hellosign tend to cost a lot for a light user, charging you $15 monthly whether you use them or not! But never fear, there are inexpensive services like eSignToday that charge you just a flat rate of $0.50 an esignature – just pay for what you use! Get started today at eSignToday.com