Embracing sustainability and preserving the environment have become important missions for organizations and individuals. To reduce the effects of global warming, we are trying to discover eco-friendly solutions. Going green with electronic signatures is one step we can take and also results in cost and time savings.
Electronic Signatures Save Paper
Going green with electronic signatures eliminates printers and papers. When we reduce paper, we also remove filing cabinets and the physical space paper requires. Eliminating paper is good for the environment as it saves trees. Additionally, the electronic nature of electronic documents makes storage and document filing easier. Accessing electronic documents online is a lot easier when you are not confined to a physical filing cabinet potentially located thousands of miles away.
and They Eliminate Travel
Electronic signature software enables you to sign documents where ever you are. For example, with eSignToday, you just need a device connected to the internet to esign a document. With esignatures, you eliminate the need to travel which saves the environment on a lot of different fronts: transportation emissions, travel time, and travel costs are just a few to mention.