Electronic document signing is fast and easy. It has come in particularly handy during the COVID-19 pandemic where physical distancing is important so signing in person becomes less of an option. However, many people have a nagging concern. Are esignatures really legal?
Yes, they are. They have been the legal equivalent of pen and paper for a surprisingly long time.
E-Sign Act of 2000
In the United States, the Electronic Signature in Global and National Commerce Act (the “E-Sign Act”) became law in 2000. This law made electronic signatures just as good as their paper equivalents.
Twenty years, later, esignature adoption is rampant. In the United States, taxpayers e-file the majority of tax returns. The IRS accepts esignatures on tax filings.
Esignature Laws Globally
Globally, countries have passed their own laws on the legality of esignatures. In many cases, esignatures are accepted as the equivalent of paper signatures.
Check with your own country’s laws on the specifics involving esignatures. For example, like the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand allow esignatures to be used in almost every case.
Esignatures are Safe, Legal, and Convenient
Esignatures are legal and save time. With services like eSignToday, esignature services are cheap (only $0.50/esignature) and easy to use. There is no reason not to start using esignatures today!